



The saying, “the shoemaker’s kids have no shoes”, is a proverb I’ve been frequently using when people ask if I have a website. What kind of marketing firm has no website? Well I am happy to report, after months of research, content writing, graphic design and hemming and hauling, it is HERE! The website is finally here and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with all of you!

Behind the Scenes

You would think after many years of marketing experience and many new websites I have helped take flight, building my own site would be a piece of cake! However, that is a big fat lie! When you are designing something for yourself, you have a more critical eye and lament over the tiniest details. Well at least I did. Being a perfectionist is hard and when you are constantly working and reworking and rethinking your efforts, the process seems to never end.

The Site

One thing that I did learn throughout this process is that even though we are launching the site today, anything can be changed at anytime. Items can be added, pictures removed, content and other CTA’s (call to actions in case you don’t know) adjusted. The great thing about marketing is that it’s always evolving. So are websites! So are we as human beings! Nothing is truly set in stone.

A Huge Thanks

Being a new business owner, it is hard to say where this business will take me and where I will land, but one thing is for sure, I have some awesome people standing behind and supporting me. I have to make a huge shoutout to my husband, Michael for asking me constantly how the progress was going on my site. His sense of humor and tough love has been the greatest blessing I could ever ask for. I’d also like to personally thank David J. Brooks Sr. of Nicely Done Sites who helped create the masterpiece alongside of my crazy, neurotic personality. Both (kindly) nudged me to make small steps to complete this project and for that I am grateful! Thanks to anyone and everyone who has ever believed in me and my abilities. It isn’t always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel…but I am pretty sure I have found it with this business and all of the people who have helped me get here.

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